
Showing posts from November, 2014

Featured Artist: Jody Mussoff

Black Net ,  2014  I'm so happy to have Jody Mussoff as our featured artist this month! Jody is a well established and prolific artist, concentrating on drawing and ceramics. She's been showing her work since the mid-70's and has a pretty impressive resume - her work is in the public collections of the  Corcoran Gallery of Art,  Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, and  Smithsonian Museum of American Art in Washington, DC to name a few.   I fell in love with her work immediately after seeing it at Gathered in Front Royal, VA. Her work is fun, whimsical, expertly executed, thoughtful and clever. Although, she considers herself as retired, she continues to crank out work in her home studio and keeps Tin Top stocked with her original drawings, prints, cards and ceramics. Read on to learn more about her. And be sure to come into Tin Top Art and Handmade!  _______________________________________________________________________ When did you decid...